Christ is the reason for this school, the unseen but ever-present teacher in its classes, the model of its faculty, the inspiration of its students.
Faith Ministry Services
In 2024, Newark Catholic High School engaged in a year-long preparation for the Enthronement of the school to the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus. This special devotion is both seen, heard and practiced in the school. Students attend Mass frequently for the First Friday devotion to the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus as well as for numerous Holy Days, feast days, and special occasions. Students have time in quiet prayer as well through frequent Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament and access to the Sacrament of Reconciliation. Students have the opportunity to get involved with various roles as outlined here.
Altar Server
It is our responsibility as teachers and ministers, as parents and coaches, to educate the young men and women of Newark Catholic in the faith of Jesus Christ and His Church. It is through the knowledge of the faith that we can come to give ourselves fully in service to God. Every subject, every club, every sport is an opportunity to give witness to and spread the good news of Jesus Christ.
Chapel Sacristan
God is in control. For that reason, we can trust in the fact that we are made for more than this world can offer. In Him we find our joy, our peace. It is that joy and peace in our hearts that should inspire every member of the Newark Catholic community to bring about God’s kingdom here on earth, no matter the circumstances.
St. Thomas Aquinas said that love is “willing the good of the other.” Christ demonstrated this in His death on the Cross. In willing the good of the other, we see sacrificial love. That is how we are called to lead, now and into the future.
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