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2 Timothy Chapter 1 Verses 8 And 9 States:

“Do not be ashamed, then, of the testimony about our Lord or of me his prisoner, but join with me in suffering for the gospel, relying on the power of God, who saved us and called us with a holy calling, not according to our works but according to his own purpose and grace. This grace was given to us in Christ Jesus before the ages began…” The immensity of God’s love is such that it is not granted based on our merit or worth. The holy life is not an achievement to be unlocked, but a life we all can partake in. We are all called to holiness, to live as God intended for us. Sadly, that call has been left unanswered by many. Our free will allows us to choose to turn away from God. In the holy life though, we lose nothing, but gain everything. In Gaudete et Exsultate, Pope Francis tell us: “Do not be afraid to set your sights higher, to allow yourself to be loved and liberated by God…Holiness does not make you less human, since it is an encounter between your weakness and the power of God’s grace.”

So what if we answered the call, and live truly as Christ for one another?

We would love abundantly. We would each use our gifts and talents to proclaim his kingdom and build his Church here on earth. We would give of ourselves freely in service of Jesus Christ. We would not walk, but run to the Sacraments, especially the Eucharist. We will be made new, and in doing so we will transform the world. Be courageous! "Our Lord will grant you many graces if you have the courage to follow him." Saint Margaret Mary Alacoque

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