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Branding & Logos

  • About
  • Official Visual Identity Guidelines
  • Contacts For Approval, Advice And Graphics


As Newark Catholic High School enters its 59th year, we can be assured that the Newark Catholic identity is strong in the central Ohio community. The community recognizes Newark Catholic High School, and that recognition is positive. It is now time to be better stewards of the brand we present to the community.

Therefore, Newark Catholic High School is taking new steps toward a consistent approach to our visual identity, as it is used in print publications, on the internet and on commercial products. The office of Marketing and Alumni Relations has been charged with enforcing the published brand standards across all academic and extracurricular units.

Official Visual Identity Guidelines

Following the established brand standards will ensure that the Newark Catholic community offers consistent communications from all stakeholders. Please use this brand manual as a guide to represent the high-quality education that Newark Catholic High School has to offer.

The Official Guide to Brand Usage and Style should be used to guide Newark Catholic administrators and partners in the proper use of all Newark Catholic High School logos, mascot images, colors and school names on school-related communications, materials and apparel.

In an effort to protect the integrity of our identities, it is required that faculty, staff, alumni, students, supporters and commercial partners who participate in communicating the identity of our schools apply these guidelines without modification. No other logos or symbols should be developed or used.

Please Remember

  • Some form of our brand must appear on everything distributed or printed externally.
  • The Official Guide to Brand Usage and Style must be given to any vendor printing or stitching our identity on anything.
  • School stationery items are not to be altered in any way.
  • Do not create your own business cards or stationery. If you have a need, contact the director of communications and marketing.
  • Do not change, distort or recreate the logos; do not produce the logo from anything other than original artwork (i.e., copying and pasting from a website).
  • Do not introduce new colors into the Newark Catholic color family.

Official Visual Identity Guidelines

Unless created or sanctioned by school administration, permission is required for external use of any Newark Catholic identity. If you’re creating materials or apparel on behalf of:

Athletics or Sport Shop
Permission requests must be approved by the athletic director, who may request assistance from the director of marketing.

Students, staff or school groups

Permission requests must be approved by the school principal, who may request assistance from the director of marketing. Upon requesting permission, please provide your group name and/or a contact point, purpose for creating materials or apparel, and a design image or sample.

For all other requests or questions

including requests for logo files or special-use identities, please consult the Newark Catholic High School Visual Identity Guidelines and Marketing Department. Any entity that wishes to use the logos for profit must contact the Newark Catholic Marketing Office.

For more information about branding & logos, please contact:
Brooke Riggleman
(740) 344-3594